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Exploring emotion through art
I started looking as art as a way of expressing how you feel in detail after I graduated, I hope to one day get into the field of art therapy. Here are some personal abstract art pieces which reflect a lot of personal emotions.
Art and emotional development: Bio
Art and emotional development: Pro Gallery
Art is an extremely amazing tool to help people communicate and even begin their own self development or self help/care. The language that can be portrayed through colour, shapes, line and images can help express things that words cannot or maybe it can be a slightly less intimidating way of speaking what's on your mind. I think its really important to show there are multiple ways of relieving stress anxiety or communicating how you feel in ways that can feel more comfortable to people, in fact you can even art expressing your emotion and keep it to yourself and see your development as you work starts to change.
Art and emotional development: Text
Art and emotional development: Portfolio
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